American Saffron Tea packs a punch when it comes to health benefits.
According to
Saffron is considered to have antioxidant properties, for which it can play a significant role in preventing diseases and disorders that can result from the cell and tissue damage caused by free radicals. It is also found to contain carotenoids, which also exhibit antioxidant properties, and can lower the risk for development of tumors, especially skin tumors. It may have anti-caner effects and lower the level of insomnia, asthma, indigestion, heartburn and memory impairment.
What's not to like about that?
Various websites concur with the above claims and my brief research turned up no negatives or harm caused by drinking saffron tea*. I've been drinking the stuff every morning for several years, sweetened with a touch of honey. Maybe you should consider giving it a try too? Or at least supplementing or alternating with your morning joe . . .
Cheers to your health!

*Always consult with your doctor before making any dietary changes and to see if Saffron tea is right for you!